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Horoscope, Dream Analysis and Chinese Astrology P800/P900/P910 Motorola AXXX 2.7

Horoscope, Dream Analysis and Chinese Astrology P800/P900/P910 Motorola AXXX 2.7

Horoscope, Dream Analysis and Chinese Astrology P800/P900/P910 Motorola AXXX Publisher's Description

Find Your Fait (Starsign)

Here you will find celestial information and horoscopes relevant for all zodiac signs. It makes you understand your inner personality and lead a happy life full of love and comaptibility with the world around.

Chinese Astrology

According to Chinese astrology, the year of birth tells not only your age but also indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty year circle of time. Legend has it that Chinese Astrology and the order of the twelve animals that define it was determined thousands of years ago by Lord Buddha himself. According to ancient scripts, Buddha realised that the Chinese nation needed a reorganisation. So on the occasion of the Chinese New Year (which occurs on different dates from mid-January to mid-February), Buddha called upon the entire animal kingdom for a meeting.
But only twelve animals (rat, buffalo, tiger, cat, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and boar) showed up for this meeting.

Dream Analysis
Dreaming is a part of life. Everyone dreams. They dream for as long as they live.
"That can't be true," some will say. " People who say this just don't remember having dreamed once they have woken up.Even unborn babies dream in their mother's womb. Dreams are the gateway to an inner world, a world just as real as the one outside. What is outside is also inside; what is inside is also outside. Dreams inform us in a visual language about repressed experiences and other process of the unconscious. Dream images and activities, however strange and even meaningless they may seem, show symbolic structures. Scientific research into dreams, compared dream material with its symbolic content. Dreams became psychotherapy's most important aid in exploration of the unconscious. A knowledge of the meaning of these symbols is of great assistance in the interpretation of dreams

Das Programm Horoscope & Dream Analysis

besteht aus drei Teilen: Sternzeichen Finden Sie alle Informationen die für Ihr Tierkreiszeichen relevant sind. Verstehen Sie die Beschaffenheit Ihres Innersten und erkennen Sie, wie Sie ein glückliches Leben führen, wie Sie die Liebe finden und wie Sie mit der Welt um Sie herum klar kommen. Chinesisches Horoskop Aufbauend auf Ihrem Geburtsjahr erklärt Ihnen die chinesische Astrologie Ihr persönliches Horoskop und Ihr Tier. Der Legende nach gibt es zwölf Tiere die von Buddha selbst ausgewählt wurden Ratte, Büffel, Tiger, Katze, Drache, Schlange, Pferd, Ziege, Affe, Hahn, Hund und Schwein). Traumanalyse Träumen sind ein Teil des Lebens, jeder Mensch träumt. Träume sind das Tor zur inneren Welt, einer Welt die genau so real wie die äußere. Unsere Träume informieren uns in einer Zeichensprache über unterdrückte Erfahrungen und anderere unterbewusste Prozesse. So merkwürdig und bedeutungslos uns manche Traumbilder auch erscheinen mögen, sie zeigen uns symbolische Strukturen unseres Lebens.

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